We’re very pleased that all of the project case studies are now available to read online. We posted before about the first five case studies when we added them to our institutional repository. Now the other five have joined them.
Searching for Home in the Historic Web: An Ethnosemiotic Study of London-French Habitus as Displayed in Blogs by Saskia Huc-Hepher. Saskia examines blogs by French people living in London, how their attitudes to the city change over time, and how those changes are reflected in the text and imagery of their blogs.
Capture, commemoration and the citizen historian: digital shoebox archives relating to PoWs in the Second World War by Alison Kay. Alison is interested in the way that personal archives collected by citizen historians may be studied via web archives.
A History of UK Companies on the Web by Marta Musso. Marta describes how she looked for evidence of the way that UK companies took their first, tentative steps in establishing websites.
The Online Development of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Armed Forces by Harry Raffal. Harry studies changes in the MoD websites over time, both in terms of their emphasis and the degree to which they are centrally controlled and branded.
Looking for public archaeology in the web archives by Lorna Richardson. Lorna examines the way that the public thinks of archaeology, using web archives as her evidence base.
We’d like to thank our 10 bursary holders for their enthusiasm and commitment to the project. Their feedback invaluably informed the development of our web interface, and their case studies are wonderful examples of the subject range and methodological variety of research that can be carried out using web archives.